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It remains a mystery as to why wearing glasses—which improve vision impairment—is perceived as a sign of intelligence, while wearing hearing aids—which treat hearing impairment—has been perceived as a sign of old age.

Maybe it’s about time the stigma of hearing loss is corrected, and we redefine what it means for our bodies to collaborate with technology.

The question is, when you look at someone wearing a pair of hearing aids, what do you think?

Here are 6 of the positive things we think wearing hearing aids says about you.

1. You love living an active life

Most social gatherings and activities necessitate healthy hearing, while hanging out alone at home does not. Wearing hearing aids is therefore a signal that you like to be active and social, and that you’re not going to permit hearing loss hold you back from pursuing your favorite activities.

2. You’re an open-minded, proactive problem solver

When you’re confronted with difficult problems or obstacles, you find ways to defeat them. You don’t wait around feeling sorry for yourself or maintain a stubborn denial of the issue—you’re broad-minded enough to admit to your hearing loss and practical enough to correct it.

3. You’re tech-savvy

Today’s digital hearing aids are like miniature computers, equipped with amazing features like wireless connectivity, bluetooth streaming, directional microphones, and background noise reduction.

By sporting a pair of modern hearing aids, it illustrates that you are on the leading-edge of technology, set to enjoy the benefits that new technology has to offer.

4. You’re health conscious

Several new studies, particularly from Jonhs Hopkins University, have connected hearing loss to dangerous medical ailments including depression, general cognitive decline, memory issues, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Wearing hearing aids illustrates that you value living an all-around healthy lifestyle, proactively taking the steps necessary for an extended, healthy life—physically, mentally, and emotionally.

5. You value your relationships

You understand that the foundation for any healthy relationship is strong communication, and you’re not going to let hearing loss create a barrier between you and those you love.

Your relationships are simply too important to allow hearing loss to create occasions of miscommunication, misunderstanding, and the hassle of others always needing to repeat themselves.

6. You’re self-confident

You’re not trying to hide the reality that you wear hearing aids—you’re proud of it. You love to live an active, social life and you’re proud that you’ve taken the steps to ensure your own quality lifestyle.

In fact, many hearing aid users have reported greater performance at work, and research by the Better Hearing Institute shows that hearing aid users reported higher household income than those with untreated hearing loss.

What do hearing aids say about you?

What did we forget? What would you include in the list?

There are many reasons to proudly wear hearing aids: let us know in a comment some of the reasons you wear hearing aids so we can keep the list going.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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