What do we call a chronic malady, affecting 100s of millions of people globally, which:
- Is a common condition that is usually subjective, perceived only by the patient, and therefore diagnosis and monitoring rely on self-report?
- Can have a direct impact on a person’s emotional well-being, their hearing, and ability to sleep?
- Is the most frequent service-connected disability in U.S. veterans?
- In the workplace, may reduce employee productivity by adversely affecting concentration and limiting participation in occupational activities?
- Can interfere with the individual’s ability to perform adequately on the job or contribute to psychological disorders such as depression, suicide ideation, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and anger?

The answer…
Tinnitus (pronounced tih-NITE-us or TIN-uh-tus), derived from the Latin word tinnire, meaning “to ring.”
With regards to tinnitus severity, negative impact and financial implications, reputable research indicates:
“Patients with severe complaints had significantly more health care costs than patients with mild and moderate complaints. Productivity losses were significantly higher in the moderate and severe groups than in the mild group. Severity of tinnitus was the most important positive predictor of health care costs.” 1
Further: “The absence of a known effective treatment often leads to referrals to a variety of caregivers in an unstructured and non-standardized way. Patients seek help in various areas of health care, but most of the therapies do not lead to recovery. As a result, tinnitus treatment has been described as fragmented and costly to the patients and the society at large.” 1

Instead of suffering in silence, talk with us and share your concerns. We promise to listen closely and, in close coordination with your other healthcare providers, will prescribe sound solutions that, with continuity of care, may lessen negative impacts on daily living. You deserve to know about therapeutic options and mindful methods to reduce symptom severity, psychological stress and financial costs.
Most people with tinnitus also have hearing loss. In addition to improving communication, hearing aids may reduce tinnitus symptoms by ensuring external sound sources provide alternative auditory stimulus. When the brain’s attention is diverted and internal “head noise” is not alone, blended perceptions may be less noticeable and harmful.
Earlier intervention is advisable, and our empathetic guidance will provide a renewed sense of hope that Joys of Hearing may replace troublesome tinnitus. While there are no magic cures, better hearing and healthy habits will serve you well.
1 Maes, Iris H. L.1,2,3; Cima, Rilana F. F.2,3; Vlaeyen, Johannes W.3,4; Anteunis, Lucien J. C.5,6; Joore, Manuela A.1,7. Tinnitus: A Cost Study. Ear and Hearing 34(4):p 508-514, July/August 2013. | DOI: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e31827d113a