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It’s an unfortunate reality that many youngsters experience hearing loss, however, with the ideal variety of hearing aid this does not need to slow them down. However, the sheer amount of hearing aid models and options offered can certainly make selecting the best one hard for many parents. There are a few types that are more appropriate for children than others, so read on to learn more about which one might perform best for your child.

In-the-ear (ITE) and behind-the-ear (BTE) are the two most common types of hearing aids used by children. Since children are always growing and developing, their hearing aids need to be adjusted routinely. BTE and ITE aids readily lend themselves to routine adjustment, making them most suitable to use in kids. In-the-ear hearing aids are little devices in plastic cases which fit into the outer part of a child’s ear. Some other technologies including telecoil can be incorporated into this type of product. BTE aids have a small plastic case that is worn behind the ear. This case is connected to a plastic earmold that generates sound to the child’s ear. Both styles of devices can address an array of hearing issues.

Hearing aid selection can be more challenging if your child is afflicted with other health conditions. Children whose ears are not adequately formed may have difficulties wearing behind-the-ear devices. For a number of children, an exceptionally shallow ear canal may not provide ample space to allow for in-the-ear hearing aids. Children with an extreme build-up of ear wax may not be good prospects for ITE devices since it can interfere with the unit performance.

Meeting with your child’s hearing specialist is a crucial step in selecting a hearing aid for your child. Your child’s distinct requirements will be considered by a specialist to make the most educated professional recommendation. Your specialist can also provide coaching on what your part is in enhancing your child’s hearing. Young children may not be able to remove, insert, or adjust their hearing aids, leaving it up to you to make sure they are comfortable and hearing at their best.

Although it may seem too much to handle at first, research and meeting with a professional will help you better understand the perfect hearing aid choices for your child.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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